Demand for locally grown food continues to be important among Swift Current residents. Garden plots are located on the Chinook Parkway on the Southside and can be rented by local residents through the city. A new community garden located at 1180 Walker Street was unveiled in June, but is still in the early stages of development.

Caroline Barrington has been running her own market garden for the past three years and says there is a demand for more community gardens, as there has been an increase in people wanting to grow their own food. Community gardens turn into social time where people can talk about gardening and the benefits of locally grown food.

People are inspired by Caroline's garden when they see it with their own eyes. Caroline says that the perks of growing your own food is of course the freshness but also the way you get connected to the food you are eating, instead of just finding it at a store.

With all the rain this year, Caroline says that gardens around the city have been lush and have produced exceptional locally grown food.

Caroline sells produce from her garden every Saturday at the Farmer's Market. You can also contact and purchase produce through the facebook page, Clean Spade Farms.