This Wellness Challenge is a great way for you if you need help keeping your New Year's resolution and you can do it with a Team!

Its a great way to promote healthy lifestyles in our community and benefits of participating in the Wellness Challenge is better health, improve fitness, weight control, more energy and so much more!

We had a chance to speak with Val Choo-Foo the In Motion Community Facilitator for more details on the Wellness Challenge:

Val mentions that this is a great opportunity for a healthy start to the year and over the past 4 years they have had just over 1,300 people that have participated in the Wellness Challenges!

For their 5th anniversary, goal is to have 500 participants join the challenge this year! Let’s help Swift Current be a place where a ‘healthy’ life makes sense!”

Get your team together and register sending an email to Val at and have fun!