The Sask. Ministry of Environment is reminding people to leave wildlife alone, even the cute baby ones. 

With spring having sprung far past expectations this year, the wildlife is also celebrating. As southwest Sask. turns a deeper shade of green, and many more fawns, deer, skunks, coyotes, and other fauna are going to be out and about, enjoying the lush environment. 

It's a good thing that the Ministry of Environment realizes the kindness of people can stretch even to wild animals, even though it probably shouldn't.

Even if someone spots a fawn or other baby critter alone in the grass, it should be left well alone. 

"While it may seem like the baby has been abandoned, there's a much greater chance that the parent is either out searching for food or has been scared away by your presence," read an official Sask. Ministry of Environment release. "Unless the parent is found dead near the baby, it is likely the adult will come back soon after you leave."

In the event someone does find the dead parent nearby, do not remove the baby. Call the Ministry of Environment at 1-800-567-4224, and they will send a professional to help the animal. 

If you find critters in your yard, do not put food out for them. If they become dependent, they will struggle to procure food once relocated to their native habitat. In a really unfortunate scenario, they can become territorial and fight back when being removed, or even when approached by a homeowner or resident. 

Keeping these animals at home is very risky, and even illegal. 

"Some serious diseases, such as rabies and West Nile virus, can be transmitted from wildlife to people," read the release. "Only recognized and licensed wildlife rehabilitators have the expertise to care for orphaned and injured animals safely and appropriately. That's why it's illegal to take wild animals home - even cute babies." 

If any animals appear distressed, remember, call the hotline. It's the right thing to do, and it's never worth your or a loved one's personal safety to bring them into the home.