Appreciation for southern Sask. travel ability attained new heights at the Living Sky Casino yesterday afternoon. 

President and CEO of YQR Regina International Airport, James Bogusz, returned to Swift Current to spread the news on what's new in the runways, terminals, and in lounges. He talked about the 500,000 people they serve in southern Sask., and how they strive to ensure each one of their voices has a chance to be heard.

Bogusz was able to define how important things like safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction are for them, especially when people come all the way in from communities like Swift Current. 

"Having all of southern Sask. using our airport is not only important to our local economy, but of course, it's our business and the ability to attract flights to our city," said Bogusz. "Today I was honoured with a large turnout and also the great questions we had from the Chamber and the participants here today."

One of the big things Bogusz stressed for anyone with concerns, was to reach out. 

"Today was really about consulting with the business community here in Swift Current," said Bogusz. "We wanted an opportunity to first share some news, talk about the flights, and talk about investments. I had some great questions today from the audience, really helping inform a little bit about what the needs may be of this community."

While the YQR is an international airport, it is still a very grounded operation. Bogusz reads each of the emails that come in for customer inquiries, making sure that his team has the answers they need to keep travellers informed. 

If anyone missed their chance to come out and ask their very own questions, either about how the YQR impacts local travel right here in Swift Current or about a concern they may have with using the airport services, there may yet come a time to bring it up. Bogusz expects to be back in Swift Current somewhere in between 18-24 months. 

"Or on request to Karla Wiens, [executive director for the Swift Current & District Chamber of Commerce]," said Bogusz. "We love coming when there's an audience to be spoken with. We want to consult with the community."