After waiting years the Salvation Army was finally able to check two items off of their wish list.

Following the $215,000 that was raised for last year's Christmas Campaign the Salvation Army were able to purchase a walk-in freezer and dishwater.

Major Don Grad, with the Salvation Army, said it's nice to able to put a checkmark beside them.

"It's absolutely amazing, and we just thank Swift Current for their generosity," he said. "We want folks to know that the abundance of donations last year is being used in the building and the facility to help us help others in new ways."

Grad said the both of the items are going a big impact on their day-to-day activities.

"The walk-in freezer will enable us to store more food," he said. "It will also enable us to store food more intelligently and in a way that you find stuff easily and it also increases the capacity for the frozen product. The great thing about the dishwasher is that we are going to be able to serve our meals on real plates, which is eco-friendly, but also it's nice to able to serve people with real plates and silverware."

The pair of items cost about $30,000 inculding the installation.

Grad added that they've got a few items left on their wish list and said that he is hoping that they can check a few more items off the wishlist this year.