SaskPower has been making some changes to how they're handling the government restrictions around COVID-19.

"We're doing our best to maintain services and normalcy for our customers, so in doing so, we've done what we could to minimize our public interaction points, so what this means is we've put some of our non-essential work on hold temporarily, we're running smaller crews, so we can limit interaction with one another and with the public," explained Spokesperson Scott McGregor.

He said they've also implemented social distancing protocols, which requires employees to maintain safe distances where it's possible to do so.

"Obviously, social distancing isn't practical in some of our lines of work, so in those areas, we've implemented different protective equipment protocols, we've modified work procedures," he said. "We've done everything we can to minimize the risk to our customers and to our employees."

"We're cutting back on non-essential work, just to minimize the different touch-points we have with our customers," he noted. "I know that it makes everyone feel a little bit safer when those interactions are minimized, and safety is our number one priority, so everything we can do to make sure everyone is healthy and safe."