Clubroot disease has been found in crop district 9B in northwest Saskatchewan.

The disease has been found in one field that is heavily infested.

SaskCanola Research Manager, Errin Willenborg believes the disease had been present for some time in the field.

"It does take some time for clubroot to build up to show at levels that high," Willenborg said. "Also what that is telling me is that clubroot spores are likely to present across that whole area."  

Farmers are encouraged to check for the disease by pulling out plants especially near the field entrance and surrounding area and look for gall formations on the roots.

"It can be a small sort of gall or a small ball that appears to be growing on the edge of the root," she explained. "What that is doing is cutting off water and nutrient flow to the plant." 

The soil-borne disease can be spread by vehicles, equipment and even shoes.

The disease had a major economic impact for producers in Alberta.

Producers with questions can contact their Agronomist for more information.