There was a Lindsay Lohan sighting in Swift Current on Thursday night.

She was spotted by 170 people... on a big screen at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School's football field during a showing of Mean Girls.

The Student Leadership Council for the high school put it on as a way to get people out for a fun night without having to pay admission.

They secured donations from a few organizations and the weather didn't wind up being too big of a deterrent, despite it being a cool, dreary day.

"I actually was quite surprised at the turnout, considering the fact that there were a few thunderstorm warnings, and rain was there from like 12 to 4 p.m.," said David Camarador, public relations head for the SLC. "I thought there would be less people, but we had 170 students come out, a few teachers did come and support us, and it was really surprising actually."

Final exams are less than three weeks away, and Camarador felt it was a good time to relieve some of the stress that can come with this time of year.

"The Student Leadership Council understands that school is really rough and we need to have some events to let out some stress and stuff like that, and we thought wouldn't it be good if we had a dance or movie night?... There'd be no specific target, and if you wanted to come out then you were certainly able to."

The movie night was the last big event for the academic year for the SLC, though they'll be having a closing assembly at the end of the semester. Camarador, who is in Grade 11, said they'd be planning some events for the next school year during the summer, adding with a laugh that they might start with their fundraising a little earlier next time around.