Saskatchewan's weekly crop report shows 21 per cent of the provincial crop is in the bin, that's ahead of the five-year average of 14 per cent. 

Farmers in the southwest lead the harvest with 38 per cent of the crop in, the west-central area is at 27 per cent complete, 20 per cent is done in the southeast, 12 per cent in the east-central area, the northeast is at eight per cent while the northwest is at four percent complete.

Crops Extension Specialist Mackenzie Hladun says fall cereals continue to lead the provincial crops being harvested with 89 per cent of fall rye and 74 per cent of winter wheat crops in.

"Field peas and lentils continue to lead the spring-seeded crops in harvest progress; 66 per cent of field peas and 60 per cent of lentils are harvested. Barley leads the spring-seeded cereals, with 30 per cent of the crop harvested. With 27 per cent of the crop in the bin, mustard leads oilseed harvest progress, ahead of canola and flax."

She notes scattered showers were reported across the province over the past week which has helped to improve topsoil moisture.

"So, 32 per cent of crop land has adequate moisture, 41 per cent is short and 27 per cent is very short. In hay and pastures, 24 per cent have adequate moisture, 42 per cent are short and 34 per cent are very short."

Pasture conditions in the province have also improved with 12 per cent of pastures in good condition, 29 per cent fair, 40 per cent poor, and 19 per cent very poor. 

The dry conditions resulted in nine per cent of the forage acres not getting cut or baled this year.

According to the report, producers reported seeing crop damage from grasshoppers, gophers, wind, drought and localized flooding from the rains.

Farmers also reported that aster yellows are showing up in the crops.

Aster Yellows is a disease that can infect over 300 species of plants from onions, celery, carrots, and garlic to canola, flax, barley, wheat, oats, sunflowers, and faba beans.

Overall, it's a busy time as farmers work to bring in the crop.

Hladun encourages producers to keep the safety of themselves and others top of their mind, making sure equipment is clear of debris, precautions are taken around power lines and fire mitigation resources are ready to go.

Motorists are also reminded to have extra patience on the road as they meet or pass farm equipment that may be moving from field to field for the harvest.

To check the harvest progress regionally click on the Provincial Crop Update.