The Dr. Noble Irwin Healthcare Foundation has announced a substantial donation from former Swift Current Mayor Len Stein and his family to the 'A Welcome Home Campaign' to the tune of $250,000.

The Stein family submitted a write up to the Foundation on the donation, in part saying it gives the family great pleasure to make the contribution.

"In late December the Stein Family -- Len and Ev and their seven children -- made a donation of $250,000 to The Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation in support of the ‘A Welcome Home Campaign’.

This donation will enable the Foundation to furnish and equip one of the 22 homes that will comprise Swift Current’s new long-term care facility.

In a recent visit with Len and Ev, Clay Thompson, Executive Director for the Foundation, learned a bit more about the Stein Family and the importance to them of this facility, both for our community and for their family.

Len recalled his days as a messenger boy with the CPR and the early days of the Swift Current Union Hospital.

When the hospital was first opened in 1952 he had the honour of delivering the first telegram to the new hospital – it was a congratulatory letter from the Queen.

Len takes great pride in his CPR days and the role of ‘helping’ that came with that job.

In those days, he never would have imagined he would be able to help in such a different way today.

Ev had early ties to healthcare that began when she moved to Swift Current as a newly trained registered nurse.

Len and Ev were married in 1957 and started raising their family. As the family grew, Ev left nursing to focus on raising the kids.

Len’s career changed in 1962 when he decided to embark on a new adventure – the creation of Sage Oil Well Services, an oil well-servicing company that became a key player in the rapidly growing oil & gas industry in southwest Saskatchewan.

With Ev’s support, Len successfully operated and continued to grow the company until it was sold in 2002.

During that time he also served on city council for 22 years including four terms as Mayor.

In recent years, Len’s health has changed. He has been a resident of the Palliser since October 2013.

While the entire family is very supportive of what the new facility will mean for residents of Swift Current and area, they are especially grateful for what this means for Len."