A Hollywood director and a few producers made Swift Current's Living Sky Casino their home yesterday.

Director and writer Barnet Bain, producer Stephen Huszar, and producer Ryan Lockwood spent the day advocating about mental health, stopping bullying, and strengthening the family unit.

Those three topics were instrumental in creating the film Milton's Secret. It's a story based on a boy who becomes the victim of bullying at his school - and a story the title event sponsor and organizer Stephanie Prpick-Boss wanted to share with Swift Current.

"I loved the whole film and I loved the whole message behind Milton's Secret," she said. "I wanted Swift Current to be the catalyst in Saskatchewan for advocacy."

During the luncheon, Bain, Huszar, and Lockwood all spoke to the people in attendance about youth, bullying, mental health, and strengthening the family unit.

Prpick-Boss had the chance to meet Bain at the Vancouver International Film Festival where she asked him to visit Swift Current.

"I asked Barnet if he would consider coming to Swift Current to be my keynote speaker and he said yes," she explained. "So from there, it's been a great journey."

The event-filled day wrapped up during the evening with a free screening of Milton's Secret - which was based on a book written by Eckhart Tolle - with donations going towards Dorie's House.

"Our community needs this, our youth needs this, and families need Dorie's House to stay open," Prpick-Boss said. "My position here is to advocate and whatever I can do as a citizen of Swift Current I will do to help out anything to do with youth and mental health."

Today is the day Dorie's House closes due to a lack of funding. But the youth shelter's board of directors hope it's only a temporary closure.