The Kincaid & District Community Rink has recently changed its name and received a vital sponsorship.

Late last week it was announced the arena will now go by the SWT Ice Centre after a long-term partnership between South West Terminal and Kincaid & District Community Service Club was reached.

The sponsorship will come in handy for the rink built in the 1980s, especially financially as they just had to make upgrades to their ice plant.

Travis Brisebois, president of the Kincaid & District Community Service Club, said SWT has always been a huge supporter of the arena in Kincaid and this partnership further solidifies that.

"Normally what we would do out in our little community is kind of an auction-style fundraiser but obviously with COVID we couldn't do anything," Travis Brisebois, president of the Kincaid & District Community Service Club, said. "So we had to go back to the drawing board and started to kick ideas around on whether there was any value for somebody in naming the rink. Then this idea spawned and we talked to some companies and SWT was one of them and they were very interested right off the hop.

"It went just far better than we could have anticipated I think collectively as a group, it was very generous. The timing of it obviously was important because we had made such a big capital expense with that plant."

The ice is still in at SWT Ice Centre and will stay in for a few more weeks still.

"Generally we keep the ice into the 15th of March and we're going to cut it a week short this year," the former Swift Current Bronco said. "We've left it in here as there's still hockey practices and a Canskate carnival before the end of the season. Which is all stuff we would have never been able to if we wouldn't have had the help of SWT."