We are under 100 days until the 2019 Western Canada Summer Games, when over 1,700 participants hit Swift Current. 

To mark the century milestone, representatives from the Western Canada Summer Games committee attended the legislative assembly on Monday. 

Mark Benesh, a co-chair of the Western Canada Summer Games, said that it was very exciting to attend. 

"The purpose of being at the assembly was to promote the fact we were 100 days away, and the province and our MLA celebrated that fact, and also recognizing Swift Current and the work they've done in our southwest area in preparation of the upcoming games," he said.

"Recognizing that we are representing the province - It was kind of a celebration of all the work that we've done and a signal that the games are coming and we are really excited about that."

Benesh said that they have started selling tickets online and that their main focus is now on getting volunteers.

"We've already got people from across the southwest and western provinces buying tickets and we are excited, and again it is just another step," he said. "One our focuses is volunteers as we prepare. We are over the 600 level and we are still trying to get to that level of 2,000. We believe we are going to get there. We've got a lot of people who are feeling comfortable with the time left before the games to step forward."

Benesh said that venue wise, they are in a really good place, with things mostly completed.

"Most of our facilities are in a place where they are ready to host the games," he said, "We have some that we have some work to do - preparations for our rowing and kayaking, but that was planned."

"The majority of the other venues are in place, so from an event and venue standpoint, we are in a good place. We just have more planning and development to do around each of those venues in connecting all the work."

 Benesh added that 100 days is both a long time away for those getting ready to watch the games, but for those preparing the games it feels like a pretty short time remaining.

"We are excited that it is 100 days, but it comes with a little urgency," he said. "That's a good thing because there are several things we still need to do. We are still working on through our sponsorships. It's going well, but we hope a few other circumstances that we are working with will come through. That way, we are able to put on the kind of games that the committee will be very proud of."

The Western Canada Summer Games kick off August 9.