A generous gesture by a Swift Current Committee has been doubled by a provincial government program.

On Tuesday, the Regional Safety Committee (RSC) of Swift Current donated $500 toward entrance scholarships at Great Plains College. The funds will be matched by the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship program.

"No matter what the profession, workplace safety is important," explained RSC co-chair, Kellie Ebner. "We want to encourage individuals to take advantage of the educational options we have here in Swift Current and in turn, become more aware and knowledgeable when it comes to being safe and preventing injury and illness."

With the donation being doubled it will allow for two scholarships of $500 each that will be distributed in the fall to two full-time students.

"The college is thrilled to receive this contribution. We place a lot of emphasis on safety training and ensuring that students are very aware of their chosen field's occupational hazards," said Lyla Cooper, skills and safety training coordinator for Great Plains College. "It is encouraging to know that the RSC and Swift Current as a whole, value this and place importance on it."

The money was raised in May during the North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) luncheon at Eagles Hall, in which the RSC sold tickets at the door, along with raffle tickets, to raise funds.

Alongside the college donation, the remaining funds raise of approximately $240 will be donated to Threads for Life.