The devastating situation that is currently taking place in Ukraine has been the topic of many conversations throughout the last week. 

Many residents are left reeling, wondering about the state of loved ones still in the war-stricken country. 

Canada will be placing sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of his top staff, the country announced last week, sanctions on 62 Russian individuals and entities, including the country’s elites and major banks, and export permits were cancelled. 

Cypress Hills Grasslands MP, Jeremy Patzer, said that many thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine during this challenging time.  

“I know the government, we're going to continue to work with them on a good response,” he said. “They've got a few good things in place, but there's going to be more work to do for sure to deal with this growing threat.” 

Patzer also acknowledged the pressure that the sanctions may put on imports and exports. 

“It's very tragic to see what's unfolding over there,” he said. “You know, I saw the government announce no more export permits to Russia from Canada, that's obviously sanctions that are required for Russia. I know there's going to be some impact for you know, local manufacturers, local exporters. So, there's going to be some concern there for sure.” 

Canada will also support Russia’s removal from the SWIFT banking system, to exclude Russia from making transactions around the world.