The Swift Current Municipal RCMP is on the lookout for a missing woman.

39-year-old Deborah Dion was reported missing yesterday afternoon by family, who say it's been over a week since they last heard from her. 

Sgt. Kelly Guider of the Swift Current Municipal RCMP says that the RCMP's biggest concern is making sure Dion is alright. 

"Well obviously everyone is concerned for her well-being now," he said. "There's nothing to say that's she's not just with a friend or we just haven't talked with the right people, but we certainly just want to be able to reach her and confirm she's alright." 

Dion is described as 5'6 with a medium build, long brown hair, brown eyes and may be wearing eye glasses. She also goes by Debbie or Abby.

"At this time we still suspect that she's within Swift Current or the immediate area, so we're kind of focusing our efforts in this vicinity of the province, but anyone with information is welcome to call the local police," he added.

If you have any information about the case, call the Swift Current RCMP at 778-4870.