Often it is a chore to wake up, shower, get dressed and head to work. However, it becomes even more of a chore when snow and frost are involved. But it is very important to remember to take that extra five minutes to clear the snow off, scrape the frost from your windows and make sure you can see and be seen before heading out.

"One of the things we say is that safe winter driving starts before you even leave the driveway and that includes giving yourself extra time to get to your destination in the winter so you're not tempted to drive too fast for the road conditions," said SGI Media Relations Manager Tyler McMurchy. "Also taking the time to clear the snow from your vehicle and to make sure your windows are completely defrosted before hitting the road."

It is also important to see and be seen. By clearing off your vehicle you will be able to clearly see the road, but it is also important to make sure that you can be seen as well. On foggy days or when there is snowfall or a blizzard, turn your lights on so that other drivers can see you even if they can't see your vehicle. 

Driving slow is also something to keep in mind. Speed limits are put in place for ideal road conditions, however when the roads grow icy and slippery one should slow down to prevent any collisions when it comes to stops and crosswalks. The speed limit is not there to tell you exactly how fast to drive, it is there to tell you how fast you can drive.

Failing to clear your vehicle off from snow could result in a $125 fine. So take that extra 5 minutes in the morning, clear your vehicle off of snow and frost and be sure to drive carefully.