Sask Abilities held their Christmas Party over the weekend.

The party which was the first one under the new name featured a supper, music, and an awards ceremony.

Brenna Ekstrand, the community relations coordinator with Sask Abilities, said that it was great to see so many people come out to the party.

"The supper and everything went great," she said. "Everybody was happy to come out and get all dolled up for the evening and celebrate Christmas together. We couldn't do what we do without our community partners, so it was fabulous to have so many of them come out and show their support for us once again."

After the supper, Sask Abilities handed out awards for dedication, loyalty, and participation in the program.

The awards were handed out to Ellen Riegel for 15 years, Diane Slone for 25 years, Glenda McMillan for 35 years, and Barry Smid for 50 years of involvement.

Ekstrand talked about what it means to have someone apart from SaskAbilities for 50 of the 67 years Sask Abilities has existed.

"To me, it shows the longevity for the program and the charity," she said. "I'm just so happy that Barry has been part of the community for that long and it feels like this is his place to be within our community."

The night ended with the band Bakersfield performing.

Ellen Riegal, Diane Slone, Glenda McMillan, and Barry Smid receiving their awards