It's on to the next phase of the competition, and living a goal on his bucket list, for Shaunavon Chef Garrett Thienes from the Harvest Eatery.

Chef Rusty and his team are currently in Kelowna, British Columbia for the National Gold Medal Plates Competition this weekend.

Chef won the honor to attend Nationals by being invited to, and winning the Gold Medal Plates Competition in Regina this past October.

This weekend will be a grueling weekend of cooking, wrapping up with the finale and the announcement of the winner on Saturday night.

We asked Chef Rusty what dish he would be preparing at the Competition. He said, "We're gonna use an often un-used cut of lamb, and highlight it. It's a cut that's quite popular more so over in England. We do plan on using some lentils. We're going to try to incorporate as much stuff as we can from in and around this area."

The Gold Medal Plates Competition is a fundraiser for the Canadian Olympic Foundation.