Firefighters are planning to take over the classrooms in Shaunavon tomorrow with their own important lessons on safety for kindergarten to Grade 3 students. 

The Shaunavon and District Fire and Rescue (SDFR) is participating in this year's Fire Prevention Week with the theme 'Fire won't wait, plan your escape.'

“If you’ve got one way out then make sure you have another alternate route to get out of the house,” Goldstein said. “And make sure everyone in the house knows where they’re supposed to be going out, where to meet, and everything after that.”  

The crew will teach the kids how to stop, drop, and roll, and even give them tours of the firetrucks—which is just as much fun for the firefighters as it is for the youngsters. 

“We start them at an early age on dangers and safety procedures for fires,” said Goldstein. “I think it’s good to get it in their brains earlier rather than later.”