There was a misunderstanding today regarding an 'armed and dangerous man in Swift Current. 

An anonymous staff member at the Natural Wonders Early Learning Centre (NWELC) in Swift Current has had to deal with the fallout after a parent sent them a concerning screenshot. 

The screenshot was of an article, stating that RCMP was watching for an armed and dangerous man in Swift Current. This screenshot was missing some key information, mainly that the Swift Current in question was not in Saskatchewan. It was in Newfoundland. 

"I received a message from a parent," confirmed the employee. "It was just a screenshot of a news article saying 'police searching for armed and violent person in Swift Current'." 

Once they received the screenshot, every NWELC in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, was instructed to lock the doors and bring the kids inside to be kept safe. 

Then, an email alerting the parents and families of the children was sent out, notifying them of the situation they believed themselves in. 

"We have someone who has access to all our parent emails," explained the employee. "They sent out the message to all the families."

It was only afterwards, with some contact from RCMP, that they were able to get the information cleared up. They quickly confirmed that there was no actual threat to the children, before sending out an email clarifying the situation. 

"I didn't have time to research if there were other Swift Currents or where this would be," explained the employee. "My first priority was the children's safety, and the safety of the people in the building." 

NWELC apologizes for the misunderstanding. They were quick to respond, working to ensure the children's safety, but feel it was unfortunate that this whole misunderstanding happened. 

The kids for their part, seemed mostly none the wiser, just happy to spend some time together.