Ice fishing has long been a past time for anglers in the Southwest.

Ice conditions have been changing with fluctuating temperatures, over the last few weeks.

Bruce Reed, a Conservation Officer with the Ministry of Environment, reminds everyone about the guidelines for being on ice;

Reed said, "The regulations for ice fishing are, to have a fishing license, operating no more than 2 lines at one time, be within visual sight of both lines at any given moment and not be more than 25 Meters from the
fishing lines."

If fishing with a snow hut, and leaving it on the ice surface overnight, it must have the angler's name, address and phone number attached to the hut at a minimum of 1-inch height.

Failure to do so may result in a fine or loss of the hut.

After Mar 15 all ice huts must be removed each night on waterways South of Hwy 16.

At Reed Lake, or Duncairn Dam, and Swift Current Creek upstream to Hwy 37, fishing closes on Mar 15 instead of Mar 31, to allow for more

protection of spawning fish in the region.