The Re-open Saskatchewan plan begins in two days, as non-essential medical services and some retail begins to open on Monday, as well as golf courses on May 15, 2020, and provincial campgrounds on June 1, 2020.

This week, we posed a number of questions to Dr. Pederson about how to stay safe in a world that is becoming a little less physically distant now that people are returning to work.

Dr. Kristine Pederson is a family physician in Swift Current and a member of the region's COVID-19 planning team. She's graciously agreed to take time each Friday morning to answer questions posed by our readers and our listeners.


- With restrictions beginning to slowly be lifted and more socializing beginning to occur, what is the best way to boost one's immune system to prevent contracting COVID-19?


- Some people wash their clothes in cold water. But should some possibly contaminated clothes and masks be washed in warm water, and possibly with bleach added as well?


- What is the safest way to use cash, or is it still recommended to avoid using it if you have other payment methods available?


That's all for this week. Remember to stay tuned to Swift Current Online for more questions with Dr. Pederson every weekend.

If you have a question you would like us to ask Dr. Pederson, email them before Wednesday of each week to