2016 Arnal Boys Memorial Bursary winners. Photo submitted by Chantal Henderson.


The Arnal Boys Memorial Bursaries were handed out this past Sunday in Eastend.


Chantal Henderson is a sister to brothers Blake, Lyndon and Sean, who all died tragically in farm accidents, and one of the Directors for the Bursary.


She says various presentors gave out funds this year of $38,920.09. The winners included:


BJ and Hailey Warberg of Consul, Brock Doerksen of Swift Current, Tim Cloutier of Ponteix, and Brock Larson, and Kristian Gordon both of Shaunavon. Also Micah Bruinsma from Stewart Valley, William Blakley from Consul, Taylor Jans from Maple Creek, Shyanne Reynolds from Consul, and Janelle Buye from Fox Valley.


There was also an award given in memory of Blaine Sanford to William Blakley and an award given in memory of Bud Hattum to Taylor Jans. A power point presentation was also shown with success stories from last years bursaries.