Leading up to July 1, Celebrate Canada is in full effect in Swift Current. 

Since June 21, Celebrate Canada has seen a host of events in place across Swift Current, marking Canadian culture and heritage while embracing the modern direction the nation is taking. 

Brad Woods, the partnerships and events coordinator for the City of Swift Current, is excited to continue the work since it started with National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21. 

"We had a flag raising ceremony at City Hall (and Market Square) in which both the Treaty Four flag and the Métis flag were raised at the City Hall (and Market Square)," said Woods. 

The next event coming up will be tomorrow, with the Cultural Crossroads at Frontier Days. This will feature a performance at the Grandstand, a multicultural market, and a celebration of National Multiculturism Day. 

"This year's multicultural day falls within the Frontier Days, so we're really fortunate to be able to partner up with the Ag n' Ex as part of Frontier Days," said Woods. 

By the time Canada Day arrives, things will wrap up with a flag raising at Memorial Park. 

"It's a free event and we encourage people to come out and take part in it," said Brad. 

The flag-raising ceremony will include testimony from local officials, as well as a key speaker from a newcomer family. There will also be a free lunch after the proceedings. 

"We're going to serve you up hot dogs and cupcakes just to celebrate Canada and what it is to be Canadian," said Woods.