The details on the dirt came to light at the latest city council meeting in Swift Current. 

The East Landfill cover soils contract was the topic of some discussion, as Keegan Story, the manager of environmental services for the City of Swift Current, presented the 2024 edition for approval. 

For those in the dark on the dirt, it is something that the landfill uses every day to cover the refuse deposited. By covering it, they prevent it from blowing away. 

The cost of dirt for garbage burial is a little under $268,000. 

"The municipal landfill must maintain a consistent and reliable supply of cover materials to maintain regulatory compliance and operational efficiencies," said Story. 

On top of reducing wind-borne debris, the soil also helps keep water infiltration to a minimum and helps to make the growing mound passable to vehicles when the time comes to expand to a new section. 

This year, the contract is being awarded to Southern Star Trucking and Excavation Ltd. They were the winner among the seven total bids received. 

Story explained how the proposed cost of $7.43 per tonne was the best offer, beating out the rest which ranged as high as $10 per tonne. 

"The proposed contract is for the supply and delivery of 1,000 tonnes of clay-like cover material per month," said Story.

Story also added that the dirt isn't without some reclamation after initial use. At the start of each day, they scoop up as much as possible when reopening for business. It is at the end of each day that the dirt is put out, roughly six inches deep across the patch, to help keep trash from blowing away.