The City of Swift Current is considering a change to a zoning bylaw that would allow the Ponderosa Campground to sell a chunk of its land.

They're hoping to sell a two-acre portion of the property, on lot three, with a dwelling on it but before they're able to the City has to revamp some zoning issues.

The entirety of the site, located on the eastern portion of the city, is currently zoned under the City's UR District. Traditionally that zoning is used to transition agricultural land into future urban development.  

Kathy Dand, the City's planning development officer, said the zoning issue stems from the permanent and seasonal dwellings on the site that are not currently allowed in the UR District.

"The City would require that the remaining portion of lot three be consolidated with lots one and two to create one parcel for the campgrounds," she told city council on Tuesday night. "The existing mobile homes would also have to be brought into conformity with the zoning bylaw to allow their use in the UR District. The owners have applied to amend the zoning bylaw by adding existing mobile homes as a permitted principal use in the UR District."

If council moves forward with the proposed changes it will allow for the existing mobile homes to be zoned properly. Any additional dwellings would require a re-zoning to a residential district.

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Ponderosa_campground_zoningThe lot looking to be sold is in the top right-hand corner of the property and outlined by dotted red lines. (Photo courtesy of the City of Swift Current)