It was all sorts of clubs, groups, non-profits, and teams last night at the Stockade Building. 

The winter version of City Wide Connection drew in hundreds of people for the evening, as families from across the city came out in droves for the event.

City Wide Connection is an evening for the various sports teams, recreation groups, and assorted clubs to come together in one location. Hosted and operated by the City of Swift Current, City Wide Connection allows the citizens of Swift Current to find and browse the various organizations available for leisure in the city.

Brad Woods, partnership and events coordinator for the City of Swift Current, brought it all together this year and was blown away by the enormity of the turnout for the evening. 

Brad Woods, partnership and events coordinator for the City of Swift Current. Brad Woods, partnership and events coordinator for the City of Swift Current. 

"We've had a steady flow of people tight up for this first hour," said Woods. "It's been a great, great night."

In total, 30 different booths were manned by teams, organizations, and hobby groups. They ranged wildly from baseball to Halloween decorating in their pursuits. There was even sign-up available for Métis individuals who wished to officially be recognized as a member of the Métis Nation.

Amongst all of these different attractions, the common theme was the people of Swift Current. Whether they were brand new to Canada and looking to get situated in the local culture and the people, to those who have lived in the southwest of Saskatchewan their whole lives, everyone was enjoying themselves.

"When you move to a new town and you don't have a big friend group yet or you're just you're trying to get a feel for what the community has to offer, something like this is a one-stop shop to see what is out there," described Woods. "You can make those initial connections."

Woods was a little taken aback by how many people came out. The last City Wide Connection had him and other organizers wondering if the event had lost some of its appeal.

It's safe to say that after last night's packed house, those fears have been laid to rest. 

"You start to wonder if the event still has some longevity," admitted Woods. "If we need to do something different. I think tonight is showing us there's still interest in this program, and there's room to grow for sure."

While City Wide Connection is the easiest way to meet the various clubs and groups that attend, they are all still out there, waiting for interested individuals to reach out and ask about them. 

If anyone missed the registration forms they were after last night, they are encouraged to still head over to or call the club or team they wish to participate with.