Swift Current business owners and RCMP gathered for a 'Cops & Coffee' meeting yesterday morning, to discuss the do's and don'ts of experiencing theft as an operator of a business.

More than two dozen community members were in attendance for the hour and a half long meeting hosted by the Swift Current Chamber of Commerce.

Staff sergeant Evan Gordon for the Swift Current Municipal RCMP was delighted for the opportunity to alert business owners of the prevalent issue of shoplifting in the community.

"For the business owners, we certainly want them to report every instance of shoplifting," he said. "For those that may be involved in shoplifting, be aware that it does affect people negatively and we will be investigating these incidences."

The discussion ran from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. with coffee and donuts, highlighting the importance of reporting any theft no matter the size as one report may help lead to solving other thefts. 

"The old cliche, no crime too small, truly does fit in this case," added Gordon.

Gary Koebel, owner of Sputtergotch Toy Company in Swift Current, hopes to encourage other local business owners to take preventative measures and stay vigilant.

"Today was an informational type of meeting to equip business owners with some tools to help prevent [theft] but also encourage reporting incidences so the police have something to go on," said Koebel.