Local families and curious kids can join the Swift Current Museum for Creek Week, featuring fun, interactive activities geared to educate children about the local watershed.

This morning kicks off the week with songs and stories about the 'critters and crawlers' of the creek, led by the museum's summer student, Nicole Steinley, who will be singing and playing guitar.

Corla Rokochy, education and program coordinator at the Swift Current Museum, encourages any age to stop by for a fun learning experience.

"Each week we have songs and stories on Tuesday, arts and crafts on Wednesday, fun and games on Thursday, and we're out and about on Fridays," she said. "This week is Creek Week."

On Wednesday, children can enjoy crayfish claw crafts where they'll learn how crayfish have the ability to regrow their claws.

Thursday will be filled with creek games, puzzles, and fun facts. Friday will end the week with a field trip to dip in the Swift Current Creek. 

All summer long, the museum plans to hold a different program each week with themed activities for families to look forward to.

"We find that a lot of people are looking for a different activity, especially if the weather isn't favourable," added Rokochy. "It's always nice to pop into the museum."

Anyone interested in attending the Creek Week activities can drop in for free from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and children are required to be accompanied by an adult.