Countdown till the Annual Kick-off for Salvation Army's Christmas Campaign, this Saturday at Swift Current Mall starting at 10am. 

Come down and be apart of the kick-off for Christmas Kettles and opening of the Miracle Room with the Angel Tree loaded with Christmas Wishes from kids around Swift Current and the Southwest, take an Angel off the tree and help make a Christmas wish come true and put a smile on a child's face Chrismas morning. 

The following Monday is when Hamper Applications start and we spoke with Major Don to find out if there is a shortage of food items they need, they are looking for:

Kraft Dinner

Breakfast Cereal (in Boxes)

Canned Fruit

Canned meats (ham/tuna/salmon & chicken)

Canned tomotoes (various sizes)

If you can help out with above items and drop off at the Salvation Army, they would be forever greatful.