Finding employment and hiring is a growing obstacle individuals and businesses in southwestern Sask. are experiencing firsthand.

A survey created by Homefield People & Strategy that launched this morning aims to arm businesses and job seekers with valuable insight into the challenges that plague them.

The State of Work in Swift Current study will be open for the next two weeks and can be completed by employees, businesses, and individuals seeking work. The survey will focus on teamwork, culture, communication, and leadership.

Brynden Devenny, the manager for client experience with Homefield, said all the surveys will be completed anonymously.

"In Swift Current, what is it like to go to work every day?" he said. "What's your team culture like, what's your boss like, what are your teammates like? If you're an employer, manager, or leader, what do you see your team as, what's your team culture like, and what is it like to work with these people all day."

Homefield People & Strategy has heard from countless businesses across the prairies that their culture isn't what they'd like it to be and they aren't finding the ideal candidates to fill their vacancies. Meanwhile, people applying for jobs are being ghosted by businesses and struggling to land an interview or a chance to pitch themselves.

"The research is born out of this idea of bringing those two sides together to see what we can learn and see where those disconnects may be," he said.

The survey will also explore the changes working environments have undergone since the pandemic began. It's displaced people from attending work regularly to working remotely in some cases permanently.

"We want to learn a little bit more and see what people have taken away the last couple of years and how are they seeing that state of work today," he said.

Anyone who completes the eight to 10-minute survey will be eligible to win a $100 Canadian Tire gift card. To participate, click here.

If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your team or team culture, or learn more about the research, email Brynden at

Homefield is a division of Golden West Broadcasting