After a three-year hiatus, the curtain will rise once again this Spring for Swift Current Little Theatre's production of Jonas and Barry in the home by Norm Foster. 

The three-person show focuses on the story of two gentlemen in a retirement home and their relationship along with their relationship with Rosie the daughter of Barry. 

Director of the production Kurtis Bakanec shares what's in store for the audience. 

"It's an interesting play. There are some very funny lines in it, some funny scenes. There's a little bit of drama, a little later on. So we're just looking forward to seeing everybody come out for the show."

Nicole Garies will be taking on the role of Rosie in the production and reflects on her first production with Swift Current Little Theatre. She says that she never passes up an opportunity to participate in community theatre and is excited and honored to be a part of this upcoming show. 

Regular performance of the production will take place on March 24th followed by pub night performances on March 25th, 31st, and April 1st. All shows begin at 8 pm and take place at the Great Plains College gym. 

Patrons can get their tickets early at the ticket blitz as Bakanec explains. 

"So the ticket blitz for the Little Theatre production will be Thursday, March 2nd from 5:00-6:30 pm at the Swift Current Mall. We will be set up toward the west end. We are looking forward to seeing patrons hopefully flocking back to us in great numbers."

After the blitz tickets will be available to purchase at Pharmasave. 

As a reminder to all pub night attendees, they are welcome to bring food into the show with them or have it delivered to the college before the show. 

For more details or information find Swift Current Little Theatre on Facebook and Instagram