As we get ready for Easter and Good Friday this weekend, both those celebrations will be quieter as we all work together to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We are now seeing that physical distancing and the other precautions we are taking are starting to slow the spread of the virus, and that is very encouraging as we all hope to get everything back to normal soon. That said, we can’t stop what we’ve been doing even though that can be difficult during a holiday weekend. 

Here are some ways you can celebrate Easter with your family while staying safe at home... 

  • We’re asked to continue to avoid large gatherings through the Easter weekend, including those with your family unless everyone lives in the same household, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still stay connected with your extended family from a distance. Get everyone together on a video-conferencing program like Facetime or Skype, or even give them a quick phone call to check in and wish them well.
  • If you’re planning a big Easter supper, try to get everything you need from the grocery store as early as you can and avoid peak shopping times if possible while respecting special shopping hours set aside for seniors. While at the store, please take precautions to protect yourself and others who work and shop there through physical distancing, and wash your hands before you leave for the store and after you put away your groceries. You can also get a lot of the things you need for Easter delivered to your home through, including great gift ideas like bouquets from Smart Flowers and ice cream cakes from Dairy King that you can have delivered to someone you love on your behalf!
  • Many local churches have been streaming their services online since the pandemic started to hit home, and will continue to do so for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Check with your church for more details. You can also view the Community Ministerial Good Friday Service hosted by Trailview Alliance Church live on the Swift Current Online Podcast page Friday morning beginning at 10:00am.
  • There’s a lot of fun Easter activities you can have with your kids at home, both indoors and out, including decorating Easter eggs, having Easter egg hunts in the back yard, or if you’re able to, take a walk and find the Easter eggs and hearts on windows of the houses in your neighbourhood. The City of Swift Current recently shared some creative activities for Easter on their website.
  • Don’t worry... the Easter Bunny is an essential worker, so he will still be able to fill your Easter baskets this weekend. You can also have a video chat with the Easter Bunny himself, and you can find out how on Swift Current Online

How are you keeping up your Easter traditions from a distance? Are you starting any new traditions this year? Let us know and we’ll add them to our blog! You can email us or send us a note on Facebook or Twitter

We hope you all have a safe and happy Easter with your family!