While the moisture may be making the roads perilous, any moisture is welcome in southwest Saskatchewan. 

After the last few weeks of warm temperatures, any moisture built up from the limited snowpack has already melted away. So with last night's bout of freezing rain and snow, the prairies can rejoice as a little precipitation pads out the dry conditions. 

However, according to Meteorologist for Environment and Climate Change Canada, Terry Lang, it's not much for not too long. 

"Unfortunately not a whole bunch received by anybody that we could get any measurements from," said Lang. "But it's better than nothing, I guess."

In truth, only a scant few millimetres fell across the prairies around Swift Current. Maple Creek and Cypress Hills received a hair more moisture, but still not enough. 

Even as temperatures look to cool off this week, whatever snow did stick around from last night will already be gone, as this week is first forecasted to reach warmer temperatures of 3 C and 4 C. These positive temperatures, while still quite cool, will wash away the bulk of the snow. 

"I think any snow that's there will melt," said Lang. "Which is unfortunate."

For now, the season is far from over. There may yet come an unexpected burst of precipitation if luck holds out. For now, Lang is expecting a fairly snow-free future. 

"Any moisture, we'll take what there is," said Lang. "There's no doubt that's better than nothing. But you still need a lot more to make up for how much of a deficit there is."