Great Plains College has just announced that a Bachelor of Nursing program is returning to Swift Current, meaning a huge change in the realm of local healthcare. 

The University of Saskatchewan is collaborating with Great Plains College to bring the program into the southwest this fall. The college has not offered the program since 2017, at which point it was run through the University of Regina. The structure of the program begins with one year of pre-professional credits, allowing one full year for facility preparations, creating a smooth transition into nursing education in 2025.  

Brad Mahon, president and CEO of Great Plains College has made it his mission to add more programs since he took on the role two years ago. 

“It was one of the first things that I heard from the community when I arrived... I've heard it from different levels of government, and I've heard it from citizens and staff here.” said Mahon. “It's very cool to have it returning and we're just so thankful to the University of Saskatchewan for their partnership and for their trust.” 

According to Mahon, all six campuses of Great Plains College have seen upticks in enrolment and the new program is likely to continue that trend. Some renovations will need to be made in order to accommodate the new students, but much of the equipment is already available on-site for the existing two-year LPN program.

Swift Current Mayor Al Bridal gave a speech at the signing ceremony explaining what it means to the community. 

“It's going to be great for the city to have our young people that want to be nurses be able to stay at home and get trained,” stated Bridal. “Most times when they train in a place, they end up living there and getting jobs there.” 

The Swift Current campus will be able to accept 10 to 20 Bachelor of Science in Nursing students annually, with applications open now to begin the pre-professional program.  

(Photo by Alex Kozroski)

Dean Solina Richter of the University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing signed the official document with Great Plains College President and CEO Brad Mahon. 

"It's a great need to address rural and remote areas seeing shortages, and this is really one of the steps to contribute to that,” expressed Richter. “We believe it's the right step forward to address this... I did refer to a social return and investment study that proved the strong impact that these educational programs have, not just on the students and families in the community, but it's also work creation, and it addresses health needs.” 

Those interested in the program are encouraged to speak to a student advisor at Great Plains College to learn more.