Raising awareness for domestic violence this month, Brian and Stacey Westerhaug are ensuring Tammy Brown, Brian's cousin, is not forgotten. 

The Westerhaugs, who own and operate Akhlut Automotive in Swift Current, are taking a small portion of proceeds this month from services to donate to Southwest Crisis Services. They are doing this to raise awareness for Domestic Violence, and to help fund programs that provide outlets and safety for those in danger. 

These efforts are in remembrance of the life lived by Brown, who lost her own life to domestic violence. 

"We have posts on Facebook trying to shine a light on domestic violence and the ways you can get help," said Brian. "Due to the fact that my cousin, Tammy, was murdered due to domestic violence. This is all in honour of her."

Brown was someone who many would not have thought was at risk for domestic violence. She was a successful individual, with a healthy teaching career in higher education. Her murderer was someone who, while at times assumed strange, hadn't been thought capable of the act before. 

"He is put away in jail, thankfully," shared Brian. "[This campaign] is more [in rememberance] of her life [and how she lived]. If this could save one person's life, to be able to bring [some] awareness, it'll be all worth [it]."

The Westerhaugs stressed that Brown was a kind person, who would go out of her way to make sure others were okay. It's with respect to that legacy, that they are encouraging people to reach out if they need help. 

To that end, their partnership with Southwest Crisis Services seeks to have people make a connection, If anyone feels at risk or is currently living through domestic violence, be they men or women, they can call and begin taking steps. The 24-hour, free, confidential line is 306-778-3386.

Folks can also donate directly to Southwest Crisis Services or can bring a donation to Akhlut Automotive for them to add to their running fundraiser. 

"Just be specific that it is a donation to the crisis center or for domestic violence, and we will put it towards the total," said Stacey. "If they want to use their donation in memory of anybody they have lost, or anything like that, just let us know and we will make sure to write that down so they get their recognition as well."


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