An unarmed combat sport will be performed by local athletes this weekend with a competitive element.

The annual home tournament for the Swift Current Judo Club is on the horizon and the city is set to host athletes from twelve different clubs around the province.

Instructor Tom Cooledge is excited for the community to attend the event and see what the sport in action. 

"This tournament is all about development for our young athletes, development for our referees and a chance to showcase our sport in our community," he said. "Our club draws athletes from throughout the southwest, so it's a great opportunity for people from all over the region to come in and see our sport."

The martial arts tournament kicks off at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in the gymnasium of the All Saints Catholic School.

Attendance is free and there will be options for snacks and lunch on site, as well as Swift Current Judo Club merchandise available for purchase. 

The southwest club has about 35 members in total, with more than a dozen taking part in provincials.