This week's Original Joe's Workplace Superstar is Kendra Klassen who works with the City of Swift Current's Light & Power department.

Her co-worker, Joel Rogers, sent in this nomination for her:

"She goes above and beyond her duty at Light & Power organizing Christmas and other occasions. She keeps the rest of us in check, while always being able to take time out of her day to chat and help us out. She's working when there are storms and quarterbacks Light & Power in times of outages." 

Kendra has won a $25 gift certificate from Original Joe's and bragging rights for a whole week as our Workplace Superstar, and Joel is now in our next nominators' draw for a chance to win a $25 OJ's gift certificate of his own in a few weeks' time.

Nominate your co-worker for a chance to be our next OJ's Workplace Superstar on Swift Current Online!