Southwest kite enthusiasts could attend Windscape Kite Festival's last Kite Tale Connections event yesterday afternoon featuring five passionate panellists.

First United Church in Swift Current hosted the event from 2 - 3:30 p.m. in their upstairs gymnasium.

Christine Ciona, volunteer coordinator at Windscape Kite Festival, encourages community members to attend the upcoming events this summer including the kite festival and Long Days' Nights.

"We have some amazing panellists here, they're called the Big Five, they're going to be talking about where we started," she said. "We're going to be sharing some stories, having a Q and A, celebrating everything we've done over the years, where we're going, and how high in the sky, flying around we're going to be in June."

Ciona noted that the kite festival has been going on for 18 years, and this year there are some new members and members who have been with the organization since the beginning. 

The afternoon included kite stories from the panellists and Ryan Switzer along with free popcorn and juices.

"It's a really great way for people to get to know the history of the festival and be part of celebrating the future," said Ciona.