Get ready for warmer weather with the Local Legion Branch 56's first fundraiser of the year. 

While the weather outside these days may make you forego cooking on the grill, the Legion is giving you the chance to be cookout-ready for the summer. 

The first fundraising event of the year for the veteran's group is up and running and is a raffle for a wood pellet smoker grill, including bags of pellets and a $200 meat package. 

John Griffin, public relations officer for the Local Legion Branch 56, is excited to get things rolling for the year with such a big-ticket item. 

"The tickets are already on sale and the draw will be made on the 18th of May 2024," shared Griffin. "Just in time for BBQ season." 

The second prize in the raffle will be a BBQ with utensils included. 

Tickets can be purchased at the Legion Hall in Swift Current for five dollars each. With 1,000 tickets available, there are great odds for anyone playing this lottery. 

"We're hoping to sell them all," said Griffin. "I think there's a good chance." 

The money will go towards supporting the Legion in Swift Current, helping them fund events, maintenance, and other regular costs. 

The smoker was generously provided by Levi Cote of Cote Boys and Yuli Cartman from Rawhide Supplements., who sought to support the Legion. 

"Branch 56 is very grateful to them for their most generous donation of these prizes," said Griffin. 

Anyone looking to help the Legion out with a similar idea or another fundraiser is encouraged to reach out. They can call 306-773-2766 to speak with the Legion about proposed ideas.