A southwest resident is trying to help out a local family this Christmas season.

Tony Peters created the Art for Change program and is now looking to the public to make sure that one family doesn't go without Christmas this year. 

Peters said that he created the program after spending time in the hospital earlier this year. 

"I wanted to give back to people and help people that are in the hospital or in need around the community," he said. "I started the program to basically encourage people to get out there and try and make a difference in someone's life." 

Through the program, Peters met one family who he decided to help. 

"I came across this particular person who needs gifts. They have nothing for the holidays," he said. "Basically, there are five kids, going to be six, and they don't have any money for either decorations or any kind of toys for the holidays." 

Peters said that so far, he has been able to give the family along with one other lady some Christmas decorations. Still, knowing the family's story, he deiced that he wanted to do more than help out the family with Christmas decorations. 

"I figured I can do more than Christmas decorations for this lady. I may not be able to buy gifts myself, but I figured I could at least make Christmas for their children because that's important. No kid should have to go without Christmas." 

He said that the family's story and it involving children is what encouraged him to want to do more.

"I just asked her if there was anything else was needed, and she mentioned that they had rescued a couple of kids from being starved over the summer, and then they just have run into problems with jobs as a lot of people are," Peters said. "She's done a lot, and now she is also struggling after helping kids, even though she was already struggling. It's just important us as a society to recognize people in need and make a difference in their lives, and if we could help her out, then we could bring light into the children's lives for Christmas." 

Peters said that his goal is to get enough Christmas gifts for this one family, but if he receives more than enough, he will look for other families in the community that are looking for a helping hand.

He added that those interested in the program could contact him through the Art for Change Facebook page.