Later this year, Swift Current's favourite overpass will be getting some work done. 

Discussed briefly by Swift Current City Councillor, Ryan Switzer, and Swift Current General Manager of Infrastructure and Operations, Greg Parsons, at the latest Governance and Priorities meeting, it was revealed that some minor delays will be incurred for the work. 

Specifically, the two drainage pits at either end of the overpass will be serviced. 

As to when this will happen, it's still up in the air according to Parsons. 

"We're putting together the Request for Proposal and getting proposals put together," said Parsons. "That report will come to [city council] at a future meeting."

As far as the delays that traffic can expect once the work begins, they should be minimal. Parsons expects restricted flows to be needed, but that the overpass should remain functional. 

Switzer appreciated the open communication and clarification. He understood that, while this work will annoy people who have their travel times bumped, it is a necessary bit of maintenance. 

"For a community that's going to have an overpass, there's going to have to be work done on from time to time," said Switzer.