Swift Current City Council declared this week Mental Health Week.

At the most recent council meeting, Ruth Smith, the executive director of Swift Current's branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, along with CMHA board member Gary Coombs, reported on their local activities and the importance to reduce the stigma around mental health.

"No one can be truly health without good mental health. It involves how we feel, think, act and interact with the world around us. Mental health is about coping with normal stresses and making a contribution to our community. Statistics indicate that at any given year, 200 thousand people will have a diagnosis of a mental disorder," she said.

Smith added that of the 200 thousand, 70 thousand are suffering from a depression disorder, while less than half will seek treatment for their condition.

"Mental illness account for a large percentage of hospital stays every year, yet in spite of the fact that everyone know someone who's affected by mental illness, few people know much about it. It's human nature to fear what we don't understand and mental illness is not well-understood and carries with it, stigma."

On Wednesday, the CMHA is hosting the Annual Mayor's Luncheon at the Sky Centre, where local resident Stacey Schwartz will give an inspirational talk.