Swift Current residents will now have the next month to pony up for property taxes.

Swift Current city council had a special city council meeting this morning at 9 a.m., which established the mill rate for the next year.

The mill rate establishes the property taxation rates for residential, industrial, business, and every other property within the city limits.

For general municipal, the rate is 12.006 mills. Educational rates for agricultural property are set at 1.42 mills, residential property rings in at 4.54 mills, and commercial/industrial property rests at 6.86 mills. resource has been set for 9.88 mills.

The base tax amount for residential class is $820 per property, while the residential condominium class is $820 per unit.

Property Tax notices are starting to be mailed out today, and owners can expect them to arrive in around a week or so. 

More information is available on the City of Swift Current Website.