Southwest residents will be seeing a new face around the art gallery in the future, as its recently welcomed a new member to the team. 

Luke Maddaford is the official curator of exhibitions and programming at the Art Gallery of Swift Current, bringing a wealth of experience as an artist, writer, and curator.

With a commitment to community building, dialogue, and culture, his background promises to inject new energy into the gallery's programming. 

"I'm really excited to be working with artists to bring their work to the city," he said. "I think that the gallery has a lot of potential. There's a lot of really great groundwork here, and I'm excited to meet people and embed myself in the community."

His artistic and curatorial interests span regionality, queer culture, material culture, archives, community networks, and local histories.

Raised in rural Saskatchewan, Maddaford is excited to return to his roots and bring a fresh perspective with him.

"I'm excited about rural communities," he expressed. "I think they're often overlooked culturally, but I think that small places have just as much to offer as a big city."

In this role, his primary responsibility will be curating exhibitions and collaborating with artists to bring their visions to life. Additionally, he will engage in marketing and communications efforts, fostering connections within the Swift Current community to ensure the gallery reflects their interests and desires.

The Art Gallery of Swift Current is currently hosting The Saskatchewan Maritime Museum presents, Emma Lake’s Workshop Series until March 29. Todd Gronsdahl's exhibition plays on the speculation of history and a creative narrative of the province's Maritimes.

Keep an eye out for the Imagination Station youth program and the Still Life Studio workshops for individuals 17 and older by checking the gallery's website.

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