Marcus Graham has only been in Canada for two weeks and has already played five games for the Swift Current 57’s, and is far from the only out of country player on the team. 

Born and raised in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, Graham is back catching under the number 22 in Saskatchewan. After a season with the Arizona Western College Matadors, he has come to Canada with hopes for a great season with the Swift Current 57’s. 

“I'd say a month ago, my coach in Arizona told me and Luca, who was on the team as well, that we're heading up to Canada to play summer ball,” explained Graham. “The thing about summer ball is it's a bunch of new guys that haven't met each other try and figure it out on the fly... It's been fun gelling with the team and getting that underway.” 

There is no shortage of players hailing from other nations; in fact, the majority of the 57’s roster is from other countries. Graham mentioned that baseball is somewhat unpopular in Australia, but he grew a passion for it at a young age. 

“I tried a bunch of sports when I was younger and baseball kind of stuck. I didn't play the mainstream sports because mom and dad didn't like them as much,” said Graham.

He met one of his current teammates, Lachlan Hockey, in a U-16 training camp in Australia.

“I think it's good just having another person from the same country who understands a bit of the references, it's certainly nice.” 

Graham is now looking forward to having new coaching and working on components of his swing.