In just four days, a petition to keep Swift Current’s Giant Tiger open has brought hundreds of signatures. 

Community members have banded together on a webpage dedicated to keeping the Swift Current Giant Tiger open and operating. A total of 608 signatures have been added to the petition so far, with the goal sitting at 1,000. 

Jason Loeppky began the petition with hopes that Giant Tiger’s corporate body might take notice. 

“My wife and I were in Giant Tiger and we had heard that it will be closing down in the next couple of months,” stated Loeppky. “We were quite disappointed about that because we really do enjoy shopping there, we prefer that over some of the other places in town that are larger and more corporate.” 

Loeppky stated he was shocked at the level of support his petition brought, which includes 120 signatures today alone. 

Melanie Weinbender is a community member and proud supporter of Loeppky’s petition. 

"I feel that there is a lack of shopping in swift current to begin with, and this giant tiger itself provides a lot of people that are on a budget with an alternative,” stated Weinbender. “For shopping somewhere where they can get some groceries or clothing, It’s a little bit more inexpensive, more affordable.”