With bangs, pops, and kabooms, Frontier Days comes to an end with a fiery display.

The 2024 fireworks show saw thousands of people still at Kinetic Park ooo'ing and awwing at the colourful display overhead. The parking lot was packed tight with people arriving with their kids at 11 o'clock at night, just in time for the show. 

Families could be seen snuggled up together under blankets on air mattresses in their pickup truck beds. Popcorn, puffed wheat, and other snacks accompanied excited smiles waiting for the show. 

Once the lights began, they dazzled the eyes of everyone with an eye on the sky, sparkling in the night like glimmering stars. The shimmering sparkles lit up the night, capping off yet another year of Frontier Days. 

A big thank you goes to the sponsors, volunteers, and board members at the Swift Current Agriculture and Exhibition Association. Without all of their efforts, from the people signing the performance to those cleaning up the midway, none of this would be possible.