Pool preparation continues, as opening day nears for Swift Current’s Fairview Pool and its many avid patrons. 

Opening day is projected to be June 15 for Fairview Pool, and pool technicians are hard at work right now, cleaning and preparing the pool basin, surfaces and change rooms for swimmers. 

Megan Chisholm, aquatic manager with the city of Swift Current says that the seasonal processes are key to maintaining the pool. 

“During our winter season, we do a process with winterization to make sure that we do all the correct prep work during our harsh winters,” Chisholm explained. “Fortunately, this season we didn't see a harsh winter compared to previous years, but we do have the pool basin filled with water; this just helps protect the pool basin itself and the pressure keeping the foundation intact.” 

Because pools are specifically designed to be full, without the weight of the water pressure keeping them in place, they're at risk of significant damage. By filling the pool with water, it better maintains the foundations and inner coating. 

“Once spring arrives and the snow starts to melt, we start draining the pool and giving it a nice, thorough cleaning of the inside,” stated Chisholm. “Then we cover any sort of patchwork that needs to be done. What we do next is paint the pool with some special pool paint and then that helps waterproof and seal the inner lining.” 

According to Chisholm, if everything goes to plan, their last day at the Southern Aquatic Center is June 13, both pools will be closed on June 14, and Fairview Pool is set to open on June 15. They already have some bookings from schools renting the pool for field trips and school swimming.